Inchart Released

Inchart version was released today.

This revision allows DGN underlays to be added to chart bases which then makes it easy to export the charts to Microstation DGN files with minimum DWG - DGN conversion issues in the legend (DGN underlays can be automatically replaced by DGN references when exporting to DGN).

This revision also includes improved contour text labelling, which attempts to avoid any corners of text being clipped by the plan view border if the text direction is at shallow angles.

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.


Inchart 1.5.2 Released

Inchart version 1.5.2 was released today.

This is a bug fix release which fixes some bugs introduced when adding support for BricsCAD.

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.

Inchart 1.5.3 Released

Inchart version 1.5.33 was released today.

This is a bug fix release which fixes a bug on plan view geographical label formatting bug and a false data validation error message on the variable text configuration editor.

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.