Inchart 1.4.29 Released

Inchart version 1.4.29 was released today.

This release contain several minor improvements bug fixes.  New features include a new feature to extract all "variable data" fields from existing charts, which may be useful for extracting information for charting logs. Also there is an extra option in the KP calculator table window which allows points to be picked fro AutoCAD.

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.


Inchart 1.5.3 Released

Inchart version 1.5.33 was released today.

This is a bug fix release which fixes a bug on plan view geographical label formatting bug and a false data validation error message on the variable text configuration editor.

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.

Inchart 1.5.2 Released

Inchart version 1.5.2 was released today.

This is a bug fix release which fixes some bugs introduced when adding support for BricsCAD.

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.