Version 1.5.2 12/01/2024
Bug fix
- Recently introduced bug with viewport location on paperspace charts - fixed
- Recently introduced bug with default save-as filepaths not being remembered - fixed
- BricsCAD: Bug creating empty charts with X-Ref Base charts - fixed
Version 1.5.1 19/11/2024
- Plan view Label rotation option added (for use in North up area charts, Labels
may be drawn horizontally or vertically along the sides of charts)
Bug fix
- AutoCAD / BricsCAD file open / save dialogs replaced with native windows dialogs
due to issues with BricsCADs in-built file dialogs
Version 1.5.0 14/11/2024
- Inchart now runs on BricsCAD (V19.0 to present)
- Inchart now runs on AutoCAD 2025
- Minimum version of AutoCAD supported from version 1.5.0 is AutoCAD 2014
Version 1.4.36 01/06/2024
- Route From Polyline: Arcs sections > 180 deg now split into two arc segments of
half width, removes requirement to specify arc lengths instead of radius in these
Bug fix
- Route (*.rlx import): Arc segments with radius < 2PI now handled as radius rather
than arc length as seems to be case in recent eiva sw
Version 1.4.35 01/05/2024
- Long Profile Events: Import Marker height option added to read marker heights
contained in events files (e.g. line height could be penetration below seabed)
Bug fix
- Long Profile Events: Fixed missing columns during importing when using
"Alt depth source"
Version 1.4.34 24/02/2024
- Route from Polyline tool: Command added ('rfp') too launch from command line
- Route from Polyline tool: Simple Lines now supported in addition to Polylines
Version 1.4.33 04/10/2023
Bug fix
- Chart centres: Fixed a false datagrid view validation error on chart centres page
when routes associated with charts not found
Version 1.4.32 01/08/2023
- Event type specific colour property added for event panels, plan view and longitudinal
profile events
Version 1.4.31 17/04/2023
- Improved user interface scaling for high DPI monitors
Version 1.4.30 30/04/2022
Bug fix
- Routes: Bug where occasionally route segments with > 180 degree arcs not drawn properly - fixed
- Generate chart series: Bug where generating chart centres along a route which doubles back on itself could make the Inchart hang - fixed
Version 1.4.29 17/04/2022
- Variable Text: New right click option to export all variable text fields from chart *.dwgs to a *.csv file. Useful for filling in charting logs
- KP Calculator: Calculator window now has button to pick points from AutoCAD to add to the table
- KP Calculator: Offset lines tool: If start and end KP values are blank, the full route extents will be drawn (previously nothing would be drawn
Bug fix
- Geo-referenced images: Series of images wouldn't draw if underscores present in series name - fixed
- Deleting panel key from chart centre tab, removed entire chart centre - fixed
Version 1.4.28 24/02/2022
- Contour labelling tool: Contour's having Z value not exactly on major or minor intervals may be labelled by setting contour minor interval to zero
Version 1.4.27 19/11/2021
- Contour slope labelling tool: LW Polylines with 'bathy' in layer name will be recognised as contours (previously only layer names containing 'contour' would be recognised)
Version 1.4.26 24/09/2021
Bug fix
- Profiles: Option for drawing KP labels along top of panel not displaying - fixed
Version 1.4.25 16/09/2021
- Licensing: Support for additional Microcosm dongle types added
Version 1.4.24 08/08/2020
Bug fix
- KPCalc: Bug in closed corridor creation - fixed
Version 1.4.23 20/12/2020
- Geodesy: Support for US Survey Ft units added
- Profiles: Support for STA distance units formatting added for X Axis
- KP Flags: Support for STA distance units formatting added for flag text
Version 1.4.22 29/08/2019
Bug fix
- Chart Centers: Previewing Chart Centres with multiple plan view's only showed first
plan view (bug introduced in 1.4.14) - fixed
Version 1.4.21 18/04/2019
- Draw Overage Polyline Tool added
Version 1.4.20 12/04/2019
- Contour Slope Labeling Tool added
Version 1.4.19 18/02/2019
- Changes to installer install location, by default now to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins which should be detected better by AutoCAD Autoloader in recent AutoCAD versions
Bug fix
- KPos Bargetrack tool - Large files not split into max 500 waypoints - fixed
Version 1.4.18 17/01/2019
- Changes to installer install location
Version 1.4.17 27/06/2018
- When multiple routes are present in .rlx files, only the first one in the file is used
- Variable data - "Chart count" updated so that it is specific to both the chart name and chart series. Previously this always returned the total number of charts defined (even if from different series).
Bug fix
- Variable data - Bug where fields don't update if parts of the variable data have been manually deleted after adding to chart - fixed
Version 1.4.16 05/04/2018
- Inchart now installed in Autodesk 'Trusted Path'
- Kp Calculator tool - New Layback route tool added for calculating barge tracks
- Assign Route option now disabled by default when creating new projects
Version 1.4.15 01/01/2018
- KPos DP Bargetrack route tool - Arcs option removed due to limitations of Autotrack which means that some arc's may not be represented correctly if arc segments do not meet at tangent points
- KPos DP Bargetrack route tool now adds points along arc sections at a user defined interval rather than using wp's with turn radius
Version 1.4.14 09/09/2017
- Generate charts with split panels at AC points implemented
- Generate charts with split panels at AC points implemented
- Faster kp calculation method implemented
- KPos Bargetrack tool - Now performs datum transform to WGS84 if source geodesy not
in WGS84
Bug fix
- Plan view - Plan view geo / grid ticks not drawn when label options set to 'none' on edges of plan view - fixed
- Last file name used appeared as default file name after opening Inchart - fixed
Version 1.4.13 11/08/2017
Bug fix
- Bug - Plan view Geographic label text decimal places not saved correctly - fixed
Version 1.4.11 03/04/2017
- Polyline to K-Pos DP Bargetrack tool - Now supports arcs
Version 1.4.10 22/02/2017
- Matchlines - Draw only adjacent matchline options added
- Profile panels - Draw Y Axis dash option added to draw dashes above X axis
Version 1.4.9 14/11/2016
- Dongle support added
- Event configuration: Text only option added for bar events
Version 1.4.8 06/08/2016
- Geodesy - Mercator projection now has 'Latitude of true scale' paramater which replaces the existing 'Scale factor at equator' paramater
Version 1.4.7 22/06/2016
Bug fix
- Planview bug where tick size was incorrectly loaded from project file - fixed
Version 1.4.6 19/04/2016
Bug fix
- KP Calculator Offset Line Tool - Bug when using KP range before route start - fixed
- Polyline to K-Pos DP Bargetrack tool - Formatting bug - fixed
Version 1.4.5 05/04/2016
Minor changes
- Polyline Tool - Polyline to K-Pos DP Bargetrack waypoint file export added
Version 1.4.4 27/03/2016
Minor changes
- Planview geographical lines option added
- Additional planview geographical text alignment options added
- Improved planview geographical line / label drawing strategy
Bug fix
- Planview Admiralty border ticks sometimes not drawn correctly at large scales - fixed
Version 08/08/2015
Bug fix
- Split Planview bug where split key not written to internal chart dictionary - fixed
- Default chart settings, crash when closing - fixed
Version 19/04/2015
Minor changes
- Cross Profile - Support added for Autodesk Land Desktop .xml cross profiles
Version 09/03/2015
Minor changes
- KP Calculator - Offset Route polyline generation added (for creating route corridors etc)
- NM3 Tool - Polyline to Digitised Line (*.dig) added
Version 14/08/2014
Minor changes
- Polyconic projection added
Version 09/08/2014
Minor changes
- Support for Fledermaus cross profiles added
- Polyline tool for copying Polyline points to the windows clipboard added
Version 16/07/2014
Bug fix
Variable text bug where multiple automatic fields from different panels on a single
text string reset previous replacements in string text - fixed
Version 15/05/2014
Minor changes
Polyline tool for thinning out polylines added
Bug fix
Variable text problem which could result in some varable text being reset to their
original text fixed
Version 26/01/2014
Minor changes
- Charts, Microstation DGN underlays can now be present in base charts
- Contour text, automatically adjusted so not clipped by chart border
- Geodesy, Mercator projection "latitude of origin" parameter replaced by "Scale factor at equator" parameter
Version 03/01/2014
Major changes
- Plan view grid and geo text labels now automatically adjusted to ensure text is always completely inside chart border (i.e on charts with acute view angles which need text shifted substantially to avoid corners being clipped by the edge the chart)
Minor changes
- Variable text, 1:Scale text field added
- Variable text, All Profiles - Horizontal scale fields added if (useful if horizontal scale differs to overall chart scale)
Version 02/09/2013
Minor changes
- Contour intersection tool added to calculate intersection xyz points of route polylines with 3rd party contour drawings
Version 24/08/2013
Minor changes
- Additional options added to contours component. Contour labels may now be placed around the edges of panels and auto-rotated so that they are always at 0° on paper
Bug fix
- Bug which could occasionally occur when reading fledermaus .xyz contour files - fixed
Version 09/06/2013
Minor changes
- Additional useful fields added in variable text:
- 'Chart file name'
- 'KPmin to KPmax' for example 'KP 2.234 to KP 3.673'
- 'N of Count' for example when referring to chart number '1 of 23'
*Note that different options with variations of '00' refer to zero paddings
i.e. 'N of Count 00' might produce '01 of 10'
Bug fix
- Bug in .nmc contour files if the last contour in file is a closed minor countour - fixed
- Variable text, multiple fields per text string not working - fixed
- Variable text, text entities did not recalculate alignment without selecting - fixed
Version 06/05/2013
Minor changes
- North up chart centre generation along route option added
Bug fix
- Bug in Admiralty border minor text in Souther hemisphere - fixed
- EIVA .nmc contour bug introduced in last version - fixed
Version 1.0.3 25/04/2013
Minor changes
- Improvements to ASCII importer make it more robust when importing unusually formatted ASCII files, in particular for files with uneven fields per row
- Multiple key plan's may be defined in charts
- Support added for SonarWiz format Sub-Bottom Profiler reflector format (ASCII .csv)
- Multiple Sub-Bottom Profiler reflector files may be selected
- Warnings added when unsorted profile files detected
Bug fix
- Viewport - PlanView Tool: Bug when multiple viewports exist on a layout - fixed
Version 02/02/2013
Minor changes
- Added E/N import to option for longitudinal profiles and additional profile components. Note that a route file must also be set when using this import
- Additional matchline label direction options added
Bug fix
- Regenerating plan view grid would remove panel components regardless of whether the chart centre changed or not (bug introduced in version 1.0.2)
Version 02/02/2013
Minor changes
- Added E/N import to option for longitudinal profiles and additional profile components. Note that a route file must also be set when using this import
- Additional matchline label direction options added
Bug fix
- Regenerating plan view grid would remove panel components regardless of whether the chart centre changed or not (bug introduced in version 1.0.2)
Version 31/01/2013
Minor changes
- Longitudinal Profile Info Tool added (extracts profile information from profile and copies to clipboard)
- Longitudinal Profile Slope Label Tool added (adds custom block slope markers to long profile polylines)
Version 12/01/2013
Bug fix
- Follwing a change in Inchart's licensing System, Inchart would not run correctly on several versions of AutoCAD - fixed
Version 1.0.2 05/01/2013
Major changes
- Suport for split plan views with fixed gap added. Profiles aligned to a split plan view will also be automatically split using the same gap distance
- SBP reflectors (long profile component) added
- Admiralty style plan view graduated lat / lon borders added
- Support added for Geodesic and Rhumb-line routes / kp calculation
- Support for non-linear KP scale factors in routes
Minor changes
- Geodesic / Rhumb-line distance tool added
- Option for adding alternating hatch borders to the outside of profile panels
- Event marker label direction option added (Event profile and long profile events)
- Grid <-> Geo file converter function added to the geodesy selection dialog
- Route from polyline tool can now create Geodesic and Rhumb-line routes and shows more detailed information on individual route segments
- Default autoCAD units hardcoded to m (this can still be changed using the batch unit tool)
- Linetype option added for plan view gridlines
Bug fix
- Bug where profiles with no data points within panel would be ignored - fixed
- Bug where routes with negative eastings and northings would not be read - fixed
- Route from polyline tool bug when using polylines with arcs greater than 180 degrees - fixed
Version 1.0.1 02/11/2012
Minor changes
- Support added for split plan views. Chart centres may now be split into sections using a button on the chart centres page and selecting / splitting the chart centres (after sending to AutoCAD). Plan views using the panel key will automatically detect and use the split chart centres
- Profile panels may now be given horizontal scales other than the overall chart scale. Note that this option is only available when the profile panel is not aligned with a plan view
Version 1.0 10/09/2012
Minor changes
- Updated documentation
- Piggyback pipelines may be drawn on cross profiles using a KP and orientation listing. Orientations may be given in either clock positions or as angles (clockwise from vertical). There is also an option to interpolate between KP values so that the piggyback pipe can still be drawn if the orientation listing doesn't contain a value for that exact KP
Bug fix
- Duplicate contour lines could sometimes be drawn - fixed
Version 08/08/2012
Minor changes
- Various informative dialogs added to help identify reasons why routes can't be matched with chart centres should identification fail
- NM3 tools - export EIVA cdf. Now supports multiple chart centres (keys) per chart chart. Note that no prefix or postfix should be aplied to the Navimodel export files to enable Inchart to correctly identify and match them to chart centres (i.e. for images in series mode)
Bug fix
- The addition of the new route assignment by chart centre functionality in caused various unanticipated side effects / bugs which were not picked up by the QC process. Numerous fixes
- ASCII reader bug where unusual headers could cause the incorrect number of columns to be detected - fixed
- Backspace keys didn't work when editing chart centre numbers
Version 31/07/2012
Major changes
- Charts can now be given a series name and assigned routes. This is defined on the 'chart centres tab' and allows a single Inchart project to be used for multiples routes, for instance multiple flowlines on an oilfield development.
Minor changes
- Option for adding a hatch to background of KP flags to give them an opaque background (Note that for a white background select colour 255)
- Inchart no loger automatically pops up when starting AutoCAD. To start either type 'inchart' or in AutoCAD 2013, press the Inchart button on the Plug-ins tab on the ribbon bar
Bug fix
- Missing a .dll for reading ASCII data in last versions installer fixed
- Would not add dwg's created by non AutoDesk aplications to charts - fixed
Version 12/07/2012
Minor changes
- 'Route from Polyline' tool added to allow the easy creation of runlines from polylines in AutoCAD
Bug fix
- Bug which stopped the 'Bind charts' tool working in AutoCAD 2008 - Fixed
Version 0.9.9 04/07/2012
Major changes
- AutoCAD 2013 now now supported (Inchart is now opened from the plugins tab on the
ribbon bar inAutoCAD 2013)
Minor changes
- New Installer. If installed on AutoCAD 2013, then the installer uses the apploader mechanism. For older versions it is installed as before
- Several minor UI improvements
Bug fix
- Contour labels sometimes drawn with incorrect values (NM3 format) - fixed
- Chart dwg selection always sorted alphabetically
Version 0.9.8 09/06/2012
Minor changes
- Geodetics: Added new projections (Gauss Kruger, Polar Stereographic, UPS north, UPS south, Oblique Stereographic, Equatorial Stereographic"", Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP), Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)
- All dialogs now autosize correctly at different windows DPI settings (i.e windows 7 - make fonts bigger options)
Version 0.9.7 12/05/2012
Bug fixes
- Plan view geo options also de-selected N arrow properties when de-selected bug fixed
- Geodetics, transverse mercator projection ignored (rare) non zero latitude of origin. bug fixed
- Plan view geo tick marks and labels sometimes drawn outside when should be inside (and vice versa) bug fixed
Version 0.9.6 11/04/2012
Major changes
- PaperSpace chart option. Charts may be generated as panels in ModelSpace with Viewports in PaperSpace. To do this the Base template chart must be in millimetres in ModelSpace and the first paperspace layout in it will be used to obtain the page setup. The base chart / variable text data will be added to paperspace if selected. Note that the panel positions / sizes defined in Inchart must also be in mm for paperspace chart. Each viewport will have a UCS assigned to it. See the 'Chart' page in the help file for more information
Minor changes
- Chart scale / chart type (ModelSpace / Paperspace) always read directly from chart (dwg) dictionary rather than the Inchart project) when adding to existing charts (otherwise changing the chart scale in Inchart after chart creation may have undesirable effects)
- Custom 'This chart' block may be drawn at the centre of plan view positions on a key plan (for example arrow with text)
- Removed support for direct reading of native EXCEL files removed as occasionaly Inchart couldnt read certain files with embeded data such as images etc. Reading ASCII files is always faster than EXCEL files in any case
Bug fixes
- Matchlines labels, Bug where matchline labels with left / right alignment were sometimes deleted if partially outside plan view panel (fairly often)
- Event components / panels, Case sensitivity bug affecting mandatory field name bug fixed
- Event profile lines between sub-panels now drawn underneath events
- Undefined event detection was missing out the first undefined event
Version 0.9.5 06/02/2012
Minor changes
- Chart Base template, External dwg and Geo-referenced images now have option to specify whether reference type is absolute or relative, all other components / panels are now automatically set to relative referencing when adding as XRefs.
- Batch bind charts tool added
- Batch set chart units tool added (note that dwg unit settings are ignored for operations performed by Inchart)
- Option added to Matchlines for aligning labels to the left, right or centre of the ends of matchlines
- Default pipe import option for embedment profile changed to TOP and Diameter. Note that by using TOP and BOP, the pipe may appear slightly jagged if the TOP and BOP columns do not contain enough decimal places to correctly produce the diameter correctly when subtracted
- CrossProfileData can now plot a vertical grid, with axis values either water depth or values relative to reference point i.e TOP / MSB etc. Note that some of the reference options will only work for VW cross profile files, which have the standard VW flags set.
Bug fixes
- Event Proile span events spanning multiple charts fixed (broken by changes made in Version 0.9.4)
- Embedment profile not flipping profiles correctly for profiles going right to left KP direction