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Title Author Hits
Inchart revision history Administrator 11739
Inchart video tutorials Administrator 12241
Buy Inchart Administrator 11647
Inchart screenshots Administrator 11422
Inchart downloads Administrator 9108
Inchart Administrator 117799


Inchart 1.5.0 Released

Inchart version 1.5.0 was released today.

This is a major release which sees support added for BricsCAD (V19.0 to present) as well as support for AutoCAD2025.

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.

Inchart 1.4.33 Released

Inchart version 1.4.33 was released today.

This is a bug-fix release which fixes a false datagrid validation error from appearing on the chart centres page if the path the routes becomes invalid. 

For full details of all changes see the revision history page.